
I am a metal sculptor based in Truckee, California. I enjoy blacksmithing techniques, using a forge, anvil and hammer. I also use modern day fabrication techniques with equipment like: welders, plasma cutters, grinders, torches, and a hydraulic press. Learning new processes or skills in order to create new work inspires me, as do the legendary sculptors of the past.



Take a look at some examples of my work. I mainly work in mild steel, but also utilize other metals like copper, new gold and silver more commonly found in fine metalwork or jewelry. I also like to incorporate other natural materials like glass. wood, stone as well as found objects. See the Portfolio page for thumbnails. You can find more information on each piece in the Portfolio sub categories.



Contact me to answer any questions you may have or to comment on my work. Subscribe and as I continue to develop this site I will send you any updates on current events and new postings. Connect with me through social media. Check out my other interests and meet my connections. Share with your friends that might be interested. Info@jamiebarbormetalworks.com
